About Wu Wang Guo 关于勿忘锅

勿忘锅 translates into “Unforgettable Hotpot” and encompasses the vision the team has to make Wu Wang Guo an unforgettable hot pot experience for consumers.

A huge focus is placed on creating quality and healthy hot pot for customers. The team comprises of experienced operators and food lovers who are committed to provide exceptional services and tasty food.

勿忘锅的命名顾名思义,便是想为顾客提供一次难以忘怀的火锅体验。为此,勿忘锅的团队集结了 资深餐饮业者及美食爱好者来为消费者提供优质,美味且健康的火锅选择。

Brand Mission 使命

To be a market leader in providing a unique and healthy hot pot experience that leaves customers wanting for more.

为消费者提供既独特有健康的火锅体验,进而 成为领先市场的佼佼者。

Company Vision

Wu Wang Guo will be focused on creating unique and healthy hot pot that provides an alternative choice for consumers.



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